Basic Info
Attendees: Eloi, Tim, Johannes, Larissa, Marco (ZIB)
Protocol by: Johannes
This was a Wednesday-Meeting. But since there were urgent issues discussed, therefore this is protocolled.
Tentative Agenda:
- Clarifications for the roadmap
- Some notes for post-clarification of some tasks on the Roadmap
- Eloi, Johannes arXiv Tasks seem similar
- step 1: Import to our knowledge graph: Complete arXiv - Metadata once and then update Metadata-diffs cyclically (every Month)
- step 2: Fetch the metadata from portal and obtain and parse through the available PDFs/LaTeX for each document to:
- extract Formulas (to knowledge graph or to MathSearch)
- Could it be located in docker-importer, so we have a central point for all- import tasks ?
- Discussion will take place in chat or GitHub issues
- Deployment Tutorial
Next Steps
- TBD for all: Discuss tasks to clarify and finalize roadmap items in the spreadsheet