
From MaRDI portal

Attendees: Dr. Stefan Haug (TU Munich), Oleksandr Zadorozhnyi (TU Munich), Madhurima Deb (FIZ), Daniel Mietchen (FIZ) over zoom meeting

Discussion on integration within MaRDI Portal

  • Graphical model entries in MaRDI Knowledge Graph: Their primary goal is to connect a model with a problem, the problem that can be solved by the model. This way they can connect the problem with all the algorithms to be used to solve the problem. They want algorithms to be connected to implementations and they want all the connections to be bidirectional. They had query regarding what are the appropriate properties to build statements for entities needed to achieve the goal.
  • In relation to their query, Daniel suggested that they use the wikidata property 'implementation of' (P4428), the same MaRDI Property being P113 ( After discussing with Daniel they came to the conclusion that it is the right choice to use "implementation of" property even if it is not the best one.
  • Stefan talked about inverse property 'implementation by' but Daniel suggested that it is always better to start one-directional.
  • Danaiel suggested that we can also have profiles for algorithm, like we now have profiles for software ( ).
  • Stefan and Oleksandr will come up with a sentence to define the connection between the statistical / mathematical problem and the model and then Daniel can help them with the correct property.
  • TA3 will create an issue on github for keeping track on the missing properties that they need and in this way, it will be easier for Daniel to answer their queries.

Next Meeting

  • We aim to have our next meeting in the month of July, 2024.