
From MaRDI portal

Attendees: Dr. Oleksandr Zadorozhnyi (TU Munich), Moritz Schubotz (FIZ), Madhurima Deb (FIZ) over zoom meeting

Discussion on integration within MaRDI Portal

  • TA3 representative Dr. Zadorozhnyi had this query: how to integrate some of the wikidata elements that concern statistical modeling and graphical modeling
  • In order to create a new item/property on the portal: Moritz suggested that one way of doing it is to open an issue and list all the QIDs, then it can be imported
  • Dr. Zadorozhnyi had this query: how the search is done and Moritz explained : when the item is inserted it is added to the Elasticsearch and then it is added to the knowledge graph. While searching the box corresponding to 'All' has to be checked or the item will not be found.
  • Dr. Zadorozhnyi searched for ontology and replying to his query, Moritz explained that they are on another server and TA5 is trying to integrate it into the portal.
  • Moritz explained that it is advisable to put the items on wikidata or to the portal (e.g. the ontology), but the main goal of the integration has to be more mathematical application-oriented. It is advisable to shift the focus from ontology to some application. An example of application: A user might search for a mathematically relevant dataset on a certain topic. So, the goal would be to describe the database so that it is searchable and the users can find all the datasets related to that topic.
  • Moritz also explained that when a wikidata item is merged into MaRDI , there is a direct link
  • The next integration point would be to integrate some python notebooks (related to graphical modeling) available on zenodo
  • After that, there is potential for integrating some other notebooks availavle on mlr3 (which Sebastian Fisher is working on).
  • Dr. Zadorozhnyi will create a git-hub issue where we can keep track of recent updates regarding the integration.

Next Meeting

  • We are optimistic about monthly zoom meetings and keeping in touch regularly over mail regarding updates.