
From MaRDI portal

Attendees: Dr. Frank Wübbeling (Muenster University), Madhurima Deb (FIZ) over zoom meeting

Discussion on integration within MaRDI Portal

  • Dr. Wübbeling first described their knowledge graph, the ontology documentation, the structure of what they have or how they try to put into context the algorithm, which is the central part of the knowledge graph. (
  • He also explained with an example, the structural information associated with the algorithm (problem, subproblem, publication etc.)
  • Their main goal is to display the knowledge graph and enable users to explore the data from the portal
  • The editor side: In the later stage, they are keen on adding features of enabling users to edit, add feedback, recommend relevant algorithms and literature into the portal.
  • The SPARQL port for TA2 is not yet listed in the MaRDI portal, they are working on finalizing the address, currently the address is :

One can query their database using this port. They can log in via their git hub account and query the database without registering.

  • He suggested this SPARQL port can be integrated into the portal but this is not the final address.

Next Meeting

  • We are optimistic about monthly zoom meetings or at least keeping in touch regularly over mail regarding updates.