Project:Process for Pull Requests
This documents the process for pull requests and the code reviews.
Code and Branches
Currently (March 22) we create a feature branch for each new feature which is usually or fix with a speaking name. The branch name is starting
with (feature_xyz or bugfix_xyz)
The description of the improvement or bugfix is usually noted in a GitHub issue. For very small bugfixes or changes no issue is required.
At the moment we usually have feature branches and a main branch.
Creating a Pull Request
When creating a pull request in GitHub, a template (which appears when creating the PR) is used for giving information about the PR.
It is considered a good practice to link GitHub issues with the related PR's. A PR usually links to one specific issue in GitHub.
In the template the instructions for the reviewer can be specified (Is it only conceptual review, code review including syntax, or should the reviewer checkout the code).
Code Review
For Review just one reviewer shall be selected, so that it is clear who is responsible for the review. If other people shall be informed about the PR they are mentioned in the comments or the PR description.
Merging the Code
The Code can be merged if the CI test pass and the PR has been approved by at least one reviewer.
The creator of the PR is responsible for merging the PR and deleting the feature branch as well as ensuring that there are no errors after merging to the main branch.